21 October, 2006

Time Test, Trials of Publishing and Trick Or Treat?

So it has been a couple of months since I posted and I notice even with my absence the blog has been pulling in a good number of new visitors every week, a steady increase with multiple countries added in that are now viewing our blog. For those loyals who keep checking in, sorry for the wait for new posts but it was a good way to see how the site was doing (by not going near it for awhile--although this was in hindsight and not the original reason--still it worked out as a great test). Also unfortunately for me the bug that is circulating San Diego knocked me down for awhile. I am someone who rarely gets ill but this time I must admit my work levels were severely impacted on all fronts by the big F--that's flu for those of you who failed to crack my difficult code.

As a publisher I encounter many difficulties too, sometimes with models (although overall they are great to work with), sometimes with myself. I know some of you may already want a copy of THE MODEL DIGEST and are disappointed about it missing deadline but we are still working on it and it will still get done sooner or later even if later was not my ideal goal. The work will have to have 30 models now instead of 40 too because unfortunately due to lack of wanting this thing to take even longer I have to narrow the stable of our beauties some. You've seen most of them and will see the rest soon. There are only two or three more to post.

I have added this shot of Lily Wang, one of our sexiest models and who also has been nice to work with. I am sure you will be pleased with her ultimate layout. So enjoy and I'll be blogging again soon.

Have a Happy Halloween (my second-favorite holiday right after Christmas), and make it a scary one!---JMP, Publisher