Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire,—conscience. (Rule from the Copy-book of Washington when a schoolboy.)
Happy Presidents' Day!
Meet Import Car and generally all-around super-hot model Amy Nguyen, who will appear in the premier issue of THE MODEL DIGEST scheduled for release on April 24th. Photo is by Dave Bourne. Speaking of photos, Ansel Adams was born on this day in 1902. In honor of that I'd like to say thank you to all the photographers out there who make our business work. They are the glue that holds models and publishers together. And a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to talented supermodel/actress Cindy Crawford, very hot at 40. Thanks for all the fun.
The U.S. Post Office started today in 1792 and no matter how technological we become that is still a great operation. Finally, in 1944 Batman and Robin first graced the pages of newspaper comic strips and have heroically battled on ever since.
Come back in a day or so for another photo. We're playing our cards pretty close to the vest so you can imagine the kind of layouts you're in for in THE MODEL DIGEST. Enjoy the holiday!
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