Greenbacks and Great Fighters
Probably the most appealing green is the jungle where the super-hot Angela Gonzalez seems to be inviting us to explore. She is another of our amazing line-up of the best models in the country to appear in THE MODEL DIGEST. Photo is by Misha.
But did you know? Today marks the day in 1862 when Abraham Lincoln introduced another favorite green, the "greenback" paper currency we have come to know and love and we have quested mightily for more and more of it ever since.
And don't worry fight fans, I have not forgotten you. After the Joe Louis post I wouldn't want to get in trouble for forgetting to mention that in 1964 a 7-1 underdog named Cassius Clay (A.K.A. Mohammed Ali) TKO'd Sonny Liston in the 7th round taking the heavyweight title.
I know it is late in the day but Happy Birthday! to girls: Actresses Tea Leoni and Stacey Cortez, fashion designer Alison Roberts and of course, actress/supermodel Veronica Webb.
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