27 February, 2006

Magazines, Mardi Gras and Miss America

People magazine started selling today back in 1974 and I have to admit while I am not a subscriber or even much of a reader of the publication I can't help but thumb threw it if it finds its way to arm's length. I suppose that is part of the power of a magazine and is certainly the kind of feeling we want to instill in readers of THE MODEL DIGEST, that feeling that speaks to one within saying "let me just see what is going on in there." And believe me, you'll want to thumb through.

Mardi Gras begins again and if we trace it back all the way to the beginning you would find yourself at its first incarnation in the streets of New Orleans back in 1827. That has been one long run and it looks like nothing will deter its reign as a major celebration.

Come back soon as my next post will feature a photo of one of our latest hires. You won't want to miss it!

Birthday Girls today: Actress Christina Nigra, Miss Michigan-America 1990 Victoria Fair Jackson and Miss Wyoming-America 1995 Dana Marie Lane.