24 March, 2006

Flags, Fast Cars and Fine Models

One of the finest models is Tapeca Noble who will doubtless cause a second look in most circles. She is our 16th model in our 20-model line-up scheduled to appear in the first issue in what will be the Ultimate Digital Magazine: THE MODEL DIGEST. You will be able to purchase that premiere issue right here so stay tuned. Scheduled release date is April 24th.

In 1898 the very first automobile was sold today and there have been a lot of fine cars made since. These days we are restricting are photo posts to our lovely line-up but if the spirit moves you, be sure to check out this publisher's all-time favorite car (no I don't have one . . . yet): the stylish, fast and classic Aston-Martin V12 Vanquish. I find it hard to believe that mere humans made that machine. And coming in at just under a quarter of a million dollars, my skepticism is well-founded.

J. D. Rockefeller donated the New York East River site to the UN today in 1947. I lived in New York for about thirteen years and one of my favorte places was the UN building. I have never stepped inside. It was the perimeter of the place. It is lined with flags of countries from all over the world. It is an impressive site. The East River? Not so much. I have come to enjoy the Blue Lady (the Pacific) at a stone's throw in San Diego. Towards the north bay, there are many moored boats and with the sun hitting the water, the city view of downtown and that amazing air which is indescribable in the city, there is a sense of magic to the place.

Birthday Girls Today: Actresses Kelly LeBrock, Olivia Burnette and Lara Flynn Boyle